"Honey,My test is positive"

Words that mean a world,words that mean sleepless nights,words that change a world,given that some couples might be taken by surprise,some in shock and awe (what with all the unexpected things that happen ;) ).

Anyway this was a first time for me.Dude,this was a surprise to me... a real pleasant one.The next moment one feels special and different.It is only now that the actual fun starts.Calling parents,sharing the news with closed ones,a doctor visit followed by donation of wife's blood to the laboratory,anxiously waiting for the lab results etc...Reams and reams of advice from all over pours in ..Things to eat,things not to eat/do..Apprehensions,anxiety are at their peak..Someone as lucky as my wife would puke their way till the 24th week.As a bonus she was repellent to any smell emanating from cooked food/food under preparation.
Thanks to science and technology ,ultrasound is super cool.It was an experience in its own to see the baby in the womb for the first time.As time progresses ,its time to shop for the new born.I got a list of things to shop for the new born from my friend who just had a baby.
The first thing one will notice is that the list is HUGE :) .I am pretty impressed with the attention to details in preparing this list(Thanks to the original compiler of the list).
Here is the list just for your reference .My generation in India probably grew up without many of the below items :)

Stroller+ Car Seat – Travel System
Changing table
Glider + Ottoman
Waterproof changing pad
Crib Mattress
Crib Sheet
Crib Mobile
crib Bumper
Swaddling Cloths
towels/ wash cloths
Diaper Rash Cream
Diaper Disposal
Baby Wipes
Hooded towel
Bath tub
Burp Clothes
Nail Cutter
Baby Moisturizer
Body Wash
Baby Powder
Extra Mild Olive oil for massage
4-5 Caps
6-7 Sleepers
Hooded Jacket
bouncing chair
few colorful toys
hot flask
Formula milk for emergency
Dr Browns bottles
Brush for cleaning bottles
Breast Pump
Bottles/ Bags
Bottle sterilizer
Postpartum belt
Nursing Bra
Breast pads
Nursing Gowns
Washing Powder
Diaper Bag
hand sanitizer for car and home
Prefer 100% cotton clothes to avoid allergies and heat
Gripe Water for baby or Mylicon drops (Talk to Doc for advice)

We have our lamas classes scheduled in the next week .I just cant wait to see my baby :)..

Happy Parenting to everyone !!!


SwathiMy3 said…
in front there is crocodile festival ;)

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