Indian Traffic Facts

This article is probably the most pessimistic viewpoint on the Indian Vehicular Traffic.There is no intention to malign or disgrace any particular individual/community.The article is intended for sheer time pass,satire.

First the BT(Black Top) road is laid and then the drainage approval that the road can be dug


Very scalable vehicle on road...meant for 3+1 ,scales upto a dozen easily

Potholes on roads

These hold testimony that Earth was once filled with craters just like the moon..lets preserve the legacy....

Vehicle Indicators

Well ! these are decorative pieces for the vehicles..Forgot which button on the vehicle would glow them

Blind Spot

Now what is that ??????

Traffic Lights

There isn't enough electricity for domestic use...haven't seen them turned ON for some time now..

Traffic Constable

Poor guy!! Is paid peanuts for inhaling smoke all day...

7 Seater Autos

The crown of Hyderabad.The most talented ones drive them.

Zebra Crossing

Hey,I read about it in my school...Don't recollect what it is used for ???

Road Widening

I am familiar with it.First the land is acquired and then the road is widened so that our street hawkers could re settle on it :) !!


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